为了确保你从公共 npm 注册表或任何支持签名的注册表下载的包的完整性,你可以使用 npm CLI 验证下载包的注册表签名。

¥To ensure the integrity of packages you download from the public npm registry, or any registry that supports signatures, you can verify the registry signatures of downloaded packages using the npm CLI.



  1. 安装 npm CLI 版本 v8.15.0 或更高版本

    ¥Install npm CLI version v8.15.0 or later

  2. 使用 npm installnpm ci 安装依赖

    ¥Install dependencies using npm install or npm ci


¥Verifying registry signatures

可以使用以下 audit 命令验证注册表签名:

¥Registry signatures can be verified using the following audit command:

npm audit signatures


¥Example response if all installed versions have valid registry signatures:

audited 1640 packages in 2s
1640 have verified registry signatures




¥Some packages are missing registry signatures

如果包没有签名并且包注册表支持签名,CLI 将出错。这可能意味着攻击者可能试图绕过签名验证。你可以通过向 registry-host.tld/-/npm/v1/keys 请求公共签名密钥来检查注册表是否支持签名。

¥The CLI will error if packages don't have signatures and if the package registry supports signatures. This could mean an attacker might be trying to circumvent signature verification. You can check if the registry supports signatures by requesting the public signing keys from registry-host.tld/-/npm/v1/keys.


¥Example response if some versions have missing registry signatures:

audited 1640 packages in 2s
1405 packages have verified registry signatures
235 packages have missing registry signatures but the registry is providing signing keys:
missing-dep@1.0.0 (https://registry.npmjs.org/)
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