
¥When choosing a name for your package, choose a name that

  • 是独特的

    ¥is unique

  • 是描述性的

    ¥is descriptive

  • 符合 npm 政策指南。例如,不要给你的包起一个冒犯性的名称,不要使用他人的商标名称或违反 npm 商标政策

    ¥meets npm policy guidelines. For example, do not give your package an offensive name, and do not use someone else's trademarked name or violate the npm trademark policy.

此外,在为 无范围的包 选择名称时,还要选择一个

¥Additionally, when choosing a name for an unscoped package, also choose a name that

  • 尚未被其他人拥有

    ¥is not already owned by someone else

  • 与另一个包名的拼写方式不同

    ¥is not spelled in a similar way to another package name

  • 不会在作者身份上混淆他人

    ¥will not confuse others about authorship

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