




npm unpublish [<package-spec>]

要了解有关 npm 注册表如何处理取消发布的更多信息,请参阅我们的 取消发布政策

¥To learn more about how the npm registry treats unpublish, see our unpublish policies.



如果你的目的是鼓励用户升级,或者你不再想维护一个包,请考虑使用 deprecate 命令。

¥Consider using the deprecate command instead, if your intent is to encourage users to upgrade, or if you no longer want to maintain a package.



这将从注册表中删除包版本,删除其条目并删除 tarball。

¥This removes a package version from the registry, deleting its entry and removing the tarball.

如果你不是 登录,npm 注册表会返回错误。

¥The npm registry will return an error if you are not logged in.


¥If you do not specify a package name at all, the name and version to be unpublished will be pulled from the project in the current directory.


¥If you specify a package name but do not specify a version or if you remove all of a package's versions then the registry will remove the root package entry entirely.

即使你取消发布包版本,该特定名称和版本组合也永远无法重复使用。为了再次发布包,你必须使用新的版本号。如果你取消发布整个包,则在 24 小时过去之前,你不得发布该包的任何新版本。

¥Even if you unpublish a package version, that specific name and version combination can never be reused. In order to publish the package again, you must use a new version number. If you unpublish the entire package, you may not publish any new versions of that package until 24 hours have passed.




  • 默认值:false

    ¥Default: false

  • 类型:布尔值

    ¥Type: Boolean

表示你不希望 npm 进行任何更改,并且它应该只报告它会做的事情。这可以传递到任何修改本地安装的命令中,例如 installupdatededupeuninstall 以及 packpublish

¥Indicates that you don't want npm to make any changes and that it should only report what it would have done. This can be passed into any of the commands that modify your local installation, eg, install, update, dedupe, uninstall, as well as pack and publish.

注意:其他网络相关命令不支持此功能,例如 dist-tagsowner 等。

¥Note: This is NOT honored by other network related commands, eg dist-tags, owner, etc.


  • 默认值:false

    ¥Default: false

  • 类型:布尔值

    ¥Type: Boolean


¥Removes various protections against unfortunate side effects, common mistakes, unnecessary performance degradation, and malicious input.

  • 允许在全局安装中破坏非 npm 文件。

    ¥Allow clobbering non-npm files in global installs.

  • 允许 npm version 命令在不干净的 git 存储库上工作。

    ¥Allow the npm version command to work on an unclean git repository.

  • 允许使用 npm cache clean 删除缓存文件夹。

    ¥Allow deleting the cache folder with npm cache clean.

  • 允许安装具有 engines 声明需要不同版本的 npm 的包。

    ¥Allow installing packages that have an engines declaration requiring a different version of npm.

  • 允许安装具有 engines 声明需要不同版本 node 的包,即使启用了 --engine-strict

    ¥Allow installing packages that have an engines declaration requiring a different version of node, even if --engine-strict is enabled.

  • 允许 npm audit fix 安装超出你声明的依赖范围的模块(包括 SemVer 的主要更改)。

    ¥Allow npm audit fix to install modules outside your stated dependency range (including SemVer-major changes).

  • 允许取消发布已发布包的所有版本。

    ¥Allow unpublishing all versions of a published package.

  • 允许在根项目中安装冲突的 peerDependencies。

    ¥Allow conflicting peerDependencies to be installed in the root project.

  • npm init 时隐式设置 --yes

    ¥Implicitly set --yes during npm init.

  • 允许破坏 npm pkg 中的现有值

    ¥Allow clobbering existing values in npm pkg

  • 允许取消发布整个包(不仅仅是单个版本)。

    ¥Allow unpublishing of entire packages (not just a single version).


¥If you don't have a clear idea of what you want to do, it is strongly recommended that you do not use this option!


  • 默认值:


  • 类型:字符串(可以设置多次)

    ¥Type: String (can be set multiple times)


¥Enable running a command in the context of the configured workspaces of the current project while filtering by running only the workspaces defined by this configuration option.

workspace 配置的有效值为:

¥Valid values for the workspace config are either:

  • 工作区名称

    ¥Workspace names

  • 工作区目录的路径

    ¥Path to a workspace directory

  • 父工作区目录的路径(将导致选择该文件夹中的所有工作区)

    ¥Path to a parent workspace directory (will result in selecting all workspaces within that folder)

npm init 命令设置时,可以将其设置为尚不存在的工作区的文件夹,以创建文件夹并将其设置为项目中的全新工作区。

¥When set for the npm init command, this may be set to the folder of a workspace which does not yet exist, to create the folder and set it up as a brand new workspace within the project.


¥This value is not exported to the environment for child processes.


  • 默认值:null

    ¥Default: null

  • 类型:空值或布尔值

    ¥Type: null or Boolean

设置为 true 可在所有已配置工作区的上下文中运行该命令。

¥Set to true to run the command in the context of all configured workspaces.

显式将此设置为 false 将导致像 install 这样的命令完全忽略工作区。未明确设置时:

¥Explicitly setting this to false will cause commands like install to ignore workspaces altogether. When not set explicitly:

  • node_modules 树上运行的命令(安装、更新等)会将工作区链接到 node_modules 文件夹。* 执行其他操作(测试、执行、发布等)的命令将在根项目上运行,除非在 workspace 配置中指定了一个或多个工作区。

    ¥Commands that operate on the node_modules tree (install, update, etc.) will link workspaces into the node_modules folder. - Commands that do other things (test, exec, publish, etc.) will operate on the root project, unless one or more workspaces are specified in the workspace config.


¥This value is not exported to the environment for child processes.


¥See Also

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