分发标签 (dist-tags) 是人类可读的标签,你可以使用它来组织和标记你发布的不同版本的包。dist-tags 补充 语义版本控制。除了比语义版本编号更易于人类阅读之外,标签还允许发布者更有效地分发他们的包。

¥Distribution tags (dist-tags) are human-readable labels that you can use to organize and label different versions of packages you publish. dist-tags supplement semantic versioning. In addition to being more human-readable than semantic version numbering, tags allow publishers to distribute their packages more effectively.

有关详细信息,请参阅 dist-tag CLI 文档

¥For more information, see the dist-tag CLI documentation.

注意:由于 dist-tags 与语义版本共享一个命名空间,因此避免与现有版本号冲突的 dist-tags。我们建议避免使用以数字或字母 "v" 开头的 dist-tags。

¥Note: Since dist-tags share a namespace with semantic versions, avoid dist-tags that conflict with existing version numbers. We recommend avoiding dist-tags that start with a number or the letter "v".

发布带有 dist-tag 的包

¥Publishing a package with a dist-tag

默认情况下,运行 npm publish 将使用 latest dist-tag 标记你的包。要使用另一个 dist-tag,请在发布时使用 --tag 标志。

¥By default, running npm publish will tag your package with the latest dist-tag. To use another dist-tag, use the --tag flag when publishing.

  1. 在命令行上,导航到包的根目录。

    ¥On the command line, navigate to the root directory of your package.

    cd /path/to/package
  2. 运行以下命令,将 <tag> 替换为你要使用的标签:

    ¥Run the following command, replacing <tag> with the tag you want to use:

    npm publish --tag <tag>



要发布带有 "beta" dist-tag 的包,请在命令行中,在包的根目录中运行以下命令:

¥To publish a package with the "beta" dist-tag, on the command line, run the following command in the root directory of your package:

npm publish --tag beta

将 dist-tag 添加到包的特定版本

¥Adding a dist-tag to a specific version of your package

  1. 在命令行上,导航到包的根目录。

    ¥On the command line, navigate to the root directory of your package.

    cd /path/to/package
  2. 运行以下命令,将 <package_name> 替换为你的包的名称,将 <version> 替换为你的包版本号,将 <tag> 替换为分发标签:

    ¥Run the following command, replacing <package_name> with the name of your package, <version> with your package version number, and <tag> with the distribution tag:

    npm dist-tag add <package-name>@<version> [<tag>]



要将 "stable" 标签添加到 "example-package" 包的 1.4.0 版本,你将运行以下命令:

¥To add the "stable" tag to the 1.4.0 version of the "example-package" package, you would run the following command:

npm dist-tag add example-package@1.4.0 stable
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