
¥Sign in from the command line using security-key flow

  1. 在命令行上,键入 npm login 命令。

    ¥On the command line, type the npm login command.

  2. 出现提示时,提供你的用户名、密码和电子邮件地址。

    ¥When prompted, provide your username, password, and email address.

    user@host:~$ npm login
    npm notice Log in on https://registry.npmjs.org/
    Username: mona
    Email: (this IS public) mona@github.com
    npm notice Open https://www.npmjs.com/login/913c3ab1-89a0-44bd-be8d-d946e2e906f0 to use your security key for authentication or enter OTP from your authenticator app
  3. 如果你已配置安全密钥,请打开命令行中显示的提供的 URL。或者,如果你已配置移动验证器,请跳至步骤 6。

    ¥If you have configured a security-key, open the provided URL shown in the command line. Alternatively, if you have configured a mobile authenticator skip to step 6.

  4. 单击使用安全密钥并按照浏览器特定的步骤进行身份验证。

    ¥Click on Use security key and follow the browser specific steps to authenticate.

    Screenshot showing security key prompt
  5. 复制生成的令牌

    ¥Copy the generated token

    Screenshot showing a sample token generated while using WebAuthn for cli login
  6. 在 CLI 提示符中输入一次性密码。

    ¥Enter the one-time password into the CLI prompt.

    Enter one-time password:

使用 --auth-type=web 从命令行登录

¥Sign in from the command line using --auth-type=web

npm 8.14.0 及更高版本支持通过浏览器登录流程。这将成为 npm 9 中 npm 公共注册表的默认行为。

¥npm 8.14.0 and higher support login flow through the browsers. This will become the default behavior for the npm public registry in npm 9.


¥With an existing browser session

  1. 在命令行上,键入 npm login --auth-type=web 命令。

    ¥On the command line, type the npm login --auth-type=web command.

  2. 当提示点击 "ENTER" 打开浏览器以启动登录流程或单击显示在命令行中提供的 URL 时。

    ¥When prompted hit "ENTER" to open your browser to start the login flow or click the provided URL show in the command line.

    user@host:~$ npm login
    npm notice Log in on https://registry.npmjs.org/
    Authenticate your account at:
    Press ENTER to open in the browser...
  3. 单击使用安全密钥并按照浏览器特定的步骤进行身份验证。

    ¥Click on Use security key and follow the browser specific steps to authenticate.

    Screenshot showing security key prompt

    注意:如果你已配置为使用 TOTP,你将看到 TOTP 提示

    ¥Note: If you have configured to use TOTP, you will see an TOTP prompt instead


¥Without an existing browser session

  1. 在命令行上,键入 npm login --auth-type=web 命令。

    ¥On the command line, type the npm login --auth-type=web command.

  2. 当提示点击 "ENTER" 打开浏览器以启动登录流程或单击显示在命令行中提供的 URL 时。

    ¥When prompted hit "ENTER" to open your browser to start the login flow or click the provided URL show in the command line.

    user@host:~$ npm login
    npm notice Log in on https://registry.npmjs.org/
    Authenticate your account at:
    Press ENTER to open in the browser...
  3. 在 npm“登录”页面上,输入您的帐户详细信息并单击登录 Screenshot of npm login dialog
  4. 单击使用安全密钥并按照浏览器特定的步骤进行身份验证。

    ¥Click on Use security key and follow the browser specific steps to authenticate.

    Screenshot showing security key prompt

    注意:如果你已配置为使用 TOTP,你将看到 TOTP 提示

    ¥Note: If you have configured to use TOTP, you will see an TOTP prompt instead

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