更改 npm 用户名
目前无法更改你的 npm 用户名。你需要创建一个新账户并将数据手动迁移到新账户。
¥It is not currently possible to change your npm username. You'll need to create a new account and migrate the data to the new account manually.
使用你想要的用户名创建一个 新的用户账户
¥Create a new user account with your desired username
转移你的包 到你的新账户。
¥Transfer your packages to your new account.
如果你是任何 组织 的成员,请求组织管理员 邀请你的新账户加入组织。
¥If you are a member of any organizations, ask the organization administrator to invite your new account to the organization.
删除你的 原始账户。请注意,这是永久性的,30 天后,此账户名称可供其他人使用。
¥Delete your original account. Note that this is permanent, and after 30 days, this account name is available for other people to claim.
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