我们强烈建议在你的软件包目录中包含一个 README.md 文件,因为它可以帮助开发者在 npm 上找到你的软件包,并在他们的项目中使用你的代码时获得良好的体验。在大多数情况下,README.md 文件包含安装、配置和使用包中代码的说明;以及用户可能觉得有用的任何其他信息。与任何 GitHub 存储库一样,README.md 文件将渲染在软件包页面上。

¥We highly recommend including a README.md file in your package directory as it helps developers find your package on npm and have a good experience using your code in their projects. In most cases README.md files include directions for installing, configuring, and using the code in your package; as well as any other information a user may find helpful. Just like in any GitHub repository, the README.md file will be rendered on the package's page.

npm 包 README.md 文件必须位于包的根级目录中。

¥An npm package README.md file must be in the root-level directory of the package.

创建并将 README.md 文件添加到包中

¥Creating and adding a README.md file to a package

  1. 在文本编辑器中,在你的包根目录中,创建一个名为 README.md 的文件。

    ¥In a text editor, in your package root directory, create a file called README.md.

  2. README.md 文件中,添加有关你的包的有用信息。

    ¥In the README.md file, add useful information about your package.

  3. 保存 README.md 文件。

    ¥Save the README.md file.

注意:文件扩展名 .md 表示 Markdown 文件。有关 Markdown 的更多信息,请参阅 GitHub 指南“掌握 Markdown”。

¥Note: The file extension .md indicates a Markdown file. For more information about Markdown, see the GitHub Guide "Mastering Markdown".

更新现有包 README.md 文件

¥Updating an existing package README.md file

仅当你发布软件包的新版本时,README.md 文件才会在软件包页面上更新。要更新你的 README.md 文件:

¥The README.md file will only be updated on the package page when you publish a new version of your package. To update your README.md file:

  1. 在文本编辑器中,更新 README.md 文件的内容。

    ¥In a text editor, update the contents of the README.md file.

  2. 保存 README.md 文件。

    ¥Save the README.md file.

  3. 在命令行上,在包根目录中,运行以下命令:

    ¥On the command line, in the package root directory, run the following commands:

    npm version patch
    npm publish
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