
注意:本文仅适用于公共 npm 注册表的用户。

¥Note: This article only applies to users of the public npm registry.

作为 npm Teams 订阅(付费组织计划)的所有者,你可以更新用于支付计划的信用卡。更新你的信用卡不会更改你的结算周期日期,新信用卡将在下一个结算周期收取费用。

¥As an owner of an npm Teams subscription, a paid organization plan, you can update the credit card used to pay for your plan. Updating your credit card will not change your billing cycle date, and the new credit card will be charged on the next billing cycle.

Note: If the credit card used to pay for your npm Teams subscription or your paid organization plan expires, or we are otherwise are unable to charge your card, you have a grace period of 九天 to update the card.


¥Updating credit card information

  1. 在 npm“登录”页面上,输入您的帐户详细信息并单击登录 Screenshot of npm login dialog
  2. 在页面的右上角,点击您的个人资料照片,然后点击帐户 Screenshot of account settings selection in user menu
  3. 在左侧边栏中,单击要更改其信用卡信息的组织的名称。

    ¥In the left sidebar, click the name of the organization whose credit card information you want to change.

    Screenshot of a selected organization
  4. 在组织设置页面上,点击结算 Screenshot of the organization billing tab
  5. 在“每月帐单”下,点击编辑付款信息 Screenshot of edit payment info link
  6. 在账单信息对话框中,输入您的账单信息:
    • 电子邮件:用于账单联系人的电子邮件地址
    • 姓名:用于支付的信用卡上的姓名
    • 街道、城市、邮政编码、国家/地区:与信用卡关联的账单地址
    Screenshot of billing form
  7. 点击付款信息 Screenshot of payment information button
  8. 在信用卡信息对话框中,输入您的信用卡信息:
    • 卡号
    • MM / YY: 卡片有效期的年月
    • CVC: 信用卡上的三位数代码
    Screenshot of the credit card form
  9. 要在 npm 上保存您的信用卡信息以用于其他付款,请选择“记住我”。 Screenshot of payment remember me button
  10. 点击更新卡片 Screenshot of update credit card confirmation button


¥Updating billing receipt email and extra receipt information


¥As an organization owner, you can update the email address used for receipts, and add extra information to the receipt for your paid organization plan, such as your business name, VAT identification number, or address of record. Updated billing information will appear on all receipts immediately.


¥Note: The billing email is used for receipts only and is not required to match the email address of the person whose card is used to pay for the organization.

  1. 在 npm“登录”页面上,输入您的帐户详细信息并单击登录 Screenshot of npm login dialog
  2. 在页面的右上角,点击您的个人资料照片,然后点击帐户 Screenshot of account settings selection in user menu
  3. 在左侧边栏中,单击你要更改其开票收据信息的组织的名称。

    ¥In the left sidebar, click the name of the organization whose billing receipt information you want to change.

    Screenshot of a selected organization
  4. 在组织设置页面上,点击结算
  5. 在“账单信息”页面的“每月账单”下,选择查看账单历史记录 Screenshot of billing history selection in user menu
  6. 在账单历史对话框的底部,单击“收据设置”。 Screenshot of billing receipt settings
  7. 要在您的收据中添加公司名称、增值税号、记录地址或其他信息,请在“额外账单信息”文本框中键入信息。 Screenshot of the extra billing info dialog
  8. 要更新用于收据的电子邮件地址,请选中“发送我的收据”旁边的复选框并键入应接收帐单收据的电子邮件地址。 Screenshot of billing receipt email settings
  9. 点击保存 Screenshot of billing extra info save button
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