
¥To keep your account and packages secure, we strongly recommend revoking (deleting) tokens you no longer need or that have been compromised. You can revoke any token you have created.

  1. 要查看令牌列表,请在命令行上运行:

    ¥To see a list of your tokens, on the command line, run:

    npm token list
  2. 在令牌表中,找到并复制要删除的令牌的 ID。

    ¥In the tokens table, find and copy the ID of the token you want to delete.

  3. 在命令行上,运行以下命令,将 123456 替换为要删除的令牌的 ID:

    ¥On the command line, run the following command, replacing 123456 with the ID of the token you want to delete:

    npm token delete 123456

    npm 会报告 Removed 1 token

    ¥npm will report Removed 1 token

  4. 要确认令牌已被删除,请运行:

    ¥To confirm that the token has been removed, run:

    npm token list

注意:你必须使用令牌 ID 来删除令牌,而不是令牌的截断版本。在某些情况下,成功撤销令牌之前可能会有长达一小时的延迟。

¥Note: You must use the token ID to delete a token, not the truncated version of the token. In some cases, there may be a delay of up to an hour before a token is successfully revoked.

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