See Details
Windows 7 上的
Error: ENOENT, stat 'C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\npm'
Error: ENOENT, stat 'C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\npm'
on Windows 7 -
由于路径长度问题,在 Windows 上运行 Vagrant 盒子失败
¥Running a Vagrant box on Windows fails due to path length issues
npm 仅将
URL 用于 GitHub 存储库,破坏代理¥npm only uses
URLs for GitHub repos, breaking proxies
损坏的 npm 安装
¥Broken npm installation
如果你的 npm 坏了:
¥If your npm is broken:
在 Mac 或 Linux 上,重新安装 npm。
¥On Mac or Linux, reinstall npm.
Windows:如果你在 Windows 上并且安装损坏,最简单的方法是从官方安装程序重新安装 node(参见 这个关于安装最新稳定版本的说明)。
¥Windows: If you're on Windows and you have a broken installation, the easiest thing to do is to reinstall node from the official installer (see this note about installing the latest stable version).
¥Random errors
npm cache clean
并重试来解决。¥Some strange issues can be resolved by simply running
npm cache clean
and trying again. -
npm install
选项查看更多详细信息。¥If you are having trouble with
npm install
, use the-verbose
option to see more details.
¥No compatible version found
你有一个过时的 npm。请更新到最新的稳定 npm。
¥You have an outdated npm. Please update to the latest stable npm.
¥Permissions errors
请参阅“下载和安装 Node.js 和 npm”和“解决全局安装包时的 EACCES 权限错误”中的讨论,了解避免和解决权限错误的方法。
¥Please see the discussions in "Downloading and installing Node.js and npm" and "Resolving EACCES permissions errors when installing packages globally" for ways to avoid and resolve permissions errors.
Windows 7 上的 Error: ENOENT, stat 'C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\npm'
¥Error: ENOENT, stat 'C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\npm'
on Windows 7
Windows 7 上的错误 Error: ENOENT, stat 'C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\npm'
是 joyent/node#8141 的结果,并且是 Windows 的 Node 安装程序的问题。解决方法是确保 C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\npm
¥The error Error: ENOENT, stat 'C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\npm'
on Windows 7 is a consequence of joyent/node#8141, and is an issue with the Node installer for Windows. The workaround is to ensure that C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\npm
exists and is writable with your normal user account.
¥No space
npm ERR! Error: ENOSPC, write
¥You are trying to install on a drive that either has no space, or has no permission to write.
¥Free some disk space or
将 tmp 文件夹设置在有更多空间的地方:
npm config set tmp /path/to/big/drive/tmp
或¥Set the tmp folder somewhere with more space:
npm config set tmp /path/to/big/drive/tmp
or -
自己构建 Node 并将其安装在具有大量空间的可写位置。
¥Build Node yourself and install it somewhere writable with lots of space.
没有 git
¥No git
npm ERR! not found: gitENOGIT
你需要 安装 git。或者,你可能需要将你的 git 信息添加到你的 npm 配置文件中。你可以从命令行或网站执行此操作。欲了解更多信息,请参阅“管理个人资料设置”。
¥You need to install git. Or, you may need to add your git information to your npm profile. You can do this from the command line or the website. For more information, see "Managing your profile settings".
由于路径长度问题,在 Windows 上运行 Vagrant 盒子失败
¥Running a Vagrant box on Windows fails due to path length issues
@drmyersii 经历了很多听起来很痛苦的试验和错误,提出了一个涉及 Windows 长路径和一些自定义 Vagrant 配置的工作解决方案:
¥**@drmyersii** went through what sounds like a lot of painful trial and error to come up with a working solution involving Windows long paths and some custom Vagrant configuration:
¥This is the commit that I implemented it in, but I'll go ahead and post the main snippet of code here:
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v|v.customize ["sharedfolder", "add", :id, "--name", "www", "--hostpath", (("//?/" + File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/www").gsub("/","\\"))]endconfig.vm.provision :shell, inline: "mkdir /home/vagrant/www"config.vm.provision :shell, inline: "mount -t vboxsf -o uid=`id -u vagrant`,gid=`getent group vagrant | cut -d: -f3` > www /home/vagrant/www", run: "always"在上面的代码中,我将
附加到当前目录绝对路径。这实际上将强制 Windows API 允许增加 MAX_PATH 变量(通常上限为 260)。阅读有关 最大路径 的更多信息。这发生在由 VBoxManage 而不是 Vagrant 的 "synced_folder" 方法有意处理的共享文件夹创建期间。最后一点是不言自明的;我们创建新的共享文件夹,然后确保每次访问或触摸机器时都挂载它,因为 Vagrant 喜欢在每次加载时重新加载其挂载/共享文件夹。¥In the code above, I am appending
to the current directory absolute path. This will actually force the Windows API to allow an increase in the MAX_PATH variable (normally capped at 260). Read more about max path. This is happening during the sharedfolder creation which is intentionally handled by VBoxManage and not Vagrant's "synced_folder" method. The last bit is pretty self-explanatory; we create the new shared folder and then make sure it's mounted each time the machine is accessed or touched since Vagrant likes to reload its mounts/shared folders on each load.
npm 仅将 git:
和 ssh+git:
URL 用于 GitHub 存储库,破坏代理
¥npm only uses git:
and ssh+git:
URLs for GitHub repos, breaking proxies
@LaurentGoderre 用 一些 Git 技巧 解决了这个问题:
¥**@LaurentGoderre** fixed this with some Git trickery:
¥I fixed this issue for several of my colleagues by running the following two commands:
git config --global url."".insteadOf config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://我们注意到的一件事是使用的
并不总是预期的,因此如果你使用的机器将主路径修改为共享驱动器,则需要确保共享驱动器和c:\users\[your user]\
相同¥One thing we noticed is that the
used is not always the one expected so if you are on a machine that modified the home path to a shared drive, you need to ensure that your.gitconfig
is the same on both your shared drive and inc:\users\[your user]\
SSL 错误
¥SSL Error
npm ERR! Error: 7684:error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol:openssl\ssl\s23_clnt.c:787:
你正在尝试将 SSL 与未加密的端点通信。这通常是由于 proxy configuration 错误(另见 这很有帮助,如果过时了,指南)。在这种情况下,你不想禁用 strict-ssl
– 你可能需要设置一个 CA / CA 文件以与你的代理一起使用,但花时间弄清楚这一点比禁用 SSL 保护要好得多。
¥You are trying to talk SSL to an unencrypted endpoint. More often than not, this is due to a proxy configuration error (see also this helpful, if dated, guide). In this case, you do not want to disable strict-ssl
– you may need to set up a CA / CA file for use with your proxy, but it's much better to take the time to figure that out than disabling SSL protection.
如果你运行的是 Node 0.6,则会发生此问题。请升级到 node 0.8 或更高版本。有关详细信息,请参阅此帖子。
¥This problem will happen if you're running Node 0.6. Please upgrade to node 0.8 or above. See this post for details.
你也可以尝试这些解决方法:npm config set ca ""
或 npm config set strict-ssl false
¥You could also try these workarounds: npm config set ca ""
or npm config set strict-ssl false
¥npm no longer supports its self-signed certificates
升级你的 npm
npm install npm -g --ca=""
版本¥upgrade your version of npm
npm install npm -g --ca=""