See Details
¥So sad to see you go.
sudo npm uninstall npm -g
¥Or, if that fails, please proceed to more severe uninstalling methods.
¥More Severe Uninstalling
通常,上述说明就足够了。这将删除 npm,但留下你已安装的任何内容。
¥Usually, the above instructions are sufficient. That will remove npm, but leave behind anything you've installed.
¥If that doesn't work, or if you require more drastic measures, continue reading.
请注意,这仅对全局安装的包是必需的。本地安装完全包含在项目的 node_modules
¥Note that this is only necessary for globally-installed packages. Local installs are completely contained within a project's node_modules
folder. Delete that folder, and everything is gone unless a package's install script is particularly ill-behaved.
这假设你在默认位置安装了 node 和 npm。如果你使用不同的 --prefix
配置 node,或者使用不同的前缀设置安装 npm,则相应地调整路径,将 /usr/local
¥This assumes that you installed node and npm in the default place. If you configured node with a different --prefix
, or installed npm with a different prefix setting, then adjust the paths accordingly, replacing /usr/local
with your install prefix.
要手动删除所有与 npm 相关的内容:
¥To remove everything npm-related manually:
rm -rf /usr/local/{lib/node{,/.npm,_modules},bin,share/man}/npm*
如果你用 npm 安装了东西,那么最好的办法是先用 npm 卸载它们,然后在正确安装后再次安装它们。这可以帮助找到周围的任何符号链接:
¥If you installed things with npm, then your best bet is to uninstall them with npm first, and then install them again once you have a proper install. This can help find any symlinks that are lying around:
ls -laF /usr/local/{lib/node{,/.npm},bin,share/man} | grep npm
在 0.3 版之前,npm 将 shim 文件用于可执行文件和 node 模块。要追踪这些,你可以执行以下操作:
¥Prior to version 0.3, npm used shim files for executables and node modules. To track those down, you can do the following:
find /usr/local/{lib/node,bin} -exec grep -l npm \{\} \; ;
¥See also