任何 npm 用户都可以创建一个组织来管理贡献者对该组织管理的包的访问。
¥Any npm user can create an organization to manage contributor access to packages governed by the organization.
注意:你需要一个 npm 用户账户来创建组织。要创建用户账户,请访问 账号注册页面"。
¥Note: You need an npm user account to create an organization. To create a user account, visit the account signup page".
在 npm“登录”页面上,输入您的帐户详细信息并单击登录。
¥On the organization creation page, in the Name field, type a name for your organization. Your organization name will also be your organization scope.
在名称字段下,选择 "无限私有包" 付费计划或 "无限公共包" 免费计划,然后单击购买或创建。
¥Under the Name field, choose either the "Unlimited private packages" paid plan or the "Unlimited public packages" free plan and click Buy or Create.
(可选的)在组织邀请页面上,输入你想要添加到组织作为成员的人员的 npm 用户名或电子邮件地址,并选择要邀请他们加入的团队,然后单击“邀请”。
¥(Optional) On the organization invitation page, type the npm username or email address of a person you would like to add to your organization as a member and select a team to invite them to, then click Invite.
¥Click Continue.