公共 npm 注册表是 JavaScript 包的数据库,每个包都由软件和元数据组成。开源开发者和公司的开发者使用 npm 注册表向整个社区或其组织的成员贡献包,并下载包以在他们自己的项目中使用。

¥The public npm registry is a database of JavaScript packages, each comprised of software and metadata. Open source developers and developers at companies use the npm registry to contribute packages to the entire community or members of their organizations, and download packages to use in their own projects.

要开始使用注册表,注册一个 npm 账户 并查看“新手入门”和 CLI 文档。

¥To get started with the registry, sign up for an npm account and check out the "Getting started" and CLI documentation.

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