
¥You can change the visibility of a scoped package from the website or command line.


¥You must be the owner of the user account or organization that owns the package in order to change package visibility.


¥For more information about package visibility, see "Package scope, access level, and visibility".


¥Note: You cannot change the visibility of an unscoped package. Only scoped packages with a paid subscription may be private.


¥Making a public package private

注意:将包设为私有需要付费用户账户或组织。要注册付费用户或组织,请转到 https://www.npmjs.com/settings/account-name/billing,将 account-name 替换为你的 npm 用户账户或组织的名称。

¥Note: Making a package private requires a paid user account or organization. To sign up for a paid user or organization, go to https://www.npmjs.com/settings/account-name/billing, replacing account-name with the name of your npm user account or organization.


¥If you want to restrict access and visibility for a public package you own, you can make the package private. When you make a package private, its access will be updated immediately and it will be removed from the website within a few minutes of the change.


¥Using the website

  1. npm 网站 上,跳转到包页面。

    ¥On the npm website, go to the package page.

  2. 在包页面上,单击“设置”。

    ¥On the package page, click Settings.

  3. 在 "包访问" 下,选择 "包是私有的吗?"

    ¥Under "Package Access", select "Is Package Private?"

  4. 单击更新包设置。

    ¥Click Update package settings.


¥Using the command line

要在命令行上将公共包设为私有,请运行以下命令,将 <package-name> 替换为你的包的名称:

¥To make a public package private on the command line, run the following command, replacing <package-name> with the name of your package:

npm access restricted <package-name>

有关详细信息,请参阅 npm access 文档。

¥For more information, see the npm access documentation.


¥Making a private package public

注意:当你公开一个私有包时,所有 npm 用户都可以看到和下载该包。

¥Note: When you make a private package public, the package will be visible to and downloadable by all npm users.


¥Using the website

  1. 在 npm 网站上,跳转到包页面。

    ¥On the npm website, go to the package page.

  2. 在包页面上,单击“设置”。

    ¥On the package page, click Settings.

  3. 在 "包访问" 下,取消选择 "包是私有的吗?"

    ¥Under "Package Access", deselect "Is Package Private?"

  4. 单击更新包设置。

    ¥Click Update package settings.


¥Using the command line

要在命令行上公开私有包,请运行以下命令,将 <package-name> 替换为你的包的名称:

¥To make a private package public on the command line, run the following command, replacing <package-name> with the name of your package:

npm access public <package-name>

有关详细信息,请参阅 npm access CLI 文档

¥For more information, see the npm access CLI documentation.

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