See Details
一旦你在 node_modules
中有 安装了一个包,你就可以在你的代码中使用它。
¥Once you have installed a package in node_modules
, you can use it in your code.
¥Using unscoped packages in your projects
Node.js 模块
¥Node.js module
如果你正在创建 Node.js 模块,则可以通过将包作为参数传递给 require
¥If you are creating a Node.js module, you can use a package in your module by passing it as an argument to the require
var lodash = require('lodash');var output = lodash.without([1, 2, 3], 1);console.log(output);
package.json 文件
¥package.json file
在 package.json
中,列出依赖下的包。你可以选择包含 语义版本。
¥In package.json
, list the package under dependencies. You can optionally include a semantic version.
{"dependencies": {"package_name": "^1.0.0"}}
¥Using scoped packages in your projects
¥To use a scoped package, simply include the scope wherever you use the package name.
Node.js 模块
¥Node.js module
var projectName = require("@scope/package-name")
package.json 文件
¥package.json file
在 package.json
¥In package.json
{"dependencies": {"@scope/package_name": "^1.0.0"}}
解决 "找不到模块" 错误
¥Resolving "Cannot find module" errors
如果你没有正确安装包,当你尝试在代码中使用它时会收到错误消息。例如,如果你引用 lodash
¥If you have not properly installed a package, you will receive an error when you try to use it in your code. For example, if you reference the lodash
package without installing it, you would see the following error:
module.js:340throw err;^Error: Cannot find module 'lodash'
npm install <@scope/package_name>
¥For scoped packages, run
npm install <@scope/package_name>
npm install <package_name>
¥For unscoped packages, run
npm install <package_name>