npm 注册表包含包,其中许多也是 Node 模块,或者包含 Node 模块。继续阅读以了解它们的不同之处以及它们如何相互作用。

¥The npm registry contains packages, many of which are also Node modules, or contain Node modules. Read on to understand how they differ and how they interact.


¥About packages

包是由 package.json 文件描述的文件或目录。包必须包含 package.json 文件才能发布到 npm 注册表。有关创建 package.json 文件的更多信息,请参阅“创建 package.json 文件”。

¥A package is a file or directory that is described by a package.json file. A package must contain a package.json file in order to be published to the npm registry. For more information on creating a package.json file, see "Creating a package.json file".


¥Packages can be unscoped or scoped to a user or organization, and scoped packages can be private or public. For more information, see


¥About package formats


¥A package is any of the following:

  • a) 包含由 package.json 文件描述的程序的文件夹。

    ¥a) A folder containing a program described by a package.json file.

  • b) 包含 (a) 的压缩包。

    ¥b) A gzipped tarball containing (a).

  • c) 解析为 (b) 的 URL。

    ¥c) A URL that resolves to (b).

  • d) 与 (c) 一起在注册表上发布的 <name>@<version>

    ¥d) A <name>@<version> that is published on the registry with (c).

  • e) 指向 (d) 的 <name>@<tag>

    ¥e) A <name>@<tag> that points to (d).

  • f) 具有满足 (e) 的 latest 标签的 <name>

    ¥f) A <name> that has a latest tag satisfying (e).

  • g) 一个 git url,在克隆时会导致 (a)。

    ¥g) A git url that, when cloned, results in (a).

npm 包 git URL 格式

¥npm package git URL formats

用于 npm 包的 Git URL 可以通过以下方式格式化:

¥Git URLs used for npm packages can be formatted in the following ways:

  • git://

  • git+ssh://user@hostname:project.git#commit-ish

  • git+http://user@hostname/project/blah.git#commit-ish

  • git+https://user@hostname/project/blah.git#commit-ish

commit-ish 可以是可以作为参数提供给 git checkout 的任何标记、sha 或分支。默认 commit-ishHEAD

¥The commit-ish can be any tag, sha, or branch that can be supplied as an argument to git checkout. The default commit-ish is HEAD.

直接从 git 安装任何包都不会安装 git submodules 或工作区。

¥Installing any package directly from git will not install git submodules or workspaces.


¥About modules

模块是 node_modules 目录中可以由 Node.js require() 函数加载的任何文件或目录。

¥A module is any file or directory in the node_modules directory that can be loaded by the Node.js require() function.

要由 Node.js require() 函数加载,模块必须是以下之一:

¥To be loaded by the Node.js require() function, a module must be one of the following:

  • 包含 package.json 文件的文件夹,其中包含 "main" 字段。

    ¥A folder with a package.json file containing a "main" field.

  • 一个 JavaScript 文件。

    ¥A JavaScript file.

注意:由于模块不需要有 package.json 文件,因此并非所有模块都是包。只有具有 package.json 文件的模块也是包。

¥Note: Since modules are not required to have a package.json file, not all modules are packages. Only modules that have a package.json file are also packages.

在 Node 程序的上下文中,module 也是从文件加载的东西。例如,在以下程序中:

¥In the context of a Node program, the module is also the thing that was loaded from a file. For example, in the following program:

var req = require('request')

req 变量引用 require() 函数返回的 request 模块。

¥The req variable refers to the request module returned by the require() function.

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