
¥Organizations cannot be renamed from the website or command line interface.

要重命名组织,作为组织所有者,你必须手动将现有组织成员、团队和包迁移到新组织,然后 联系 npm 支持 以取消发布过时的包并删除以前的组织。

¥To rename an organization, as an organization owner, you must manually migrate your existing organization members, teams, and packages to a new organization, then contact npm Support to have the outdated packages unpublished and the previous organization deleted.

  1. 创建新的组织 用你想要的名字。如果你的旧组织采用付费计划,你必须为新组织选择付费计划。

    ¥Create a new organization with the name you want. If your old organization is on a paid plan, you must choose a paid plan for the new organization.

  2. 你的旧组织的 添加成员 到你的新组织。

    ¥Add the members of your old organization to your new organization.

  3. 在你的新组织中,创建团队 以匹配旧组织中的团队。

    ¥In your new organization, create teams to match teams in your old organization.

  4. 通过更新其 package.json 文件中的包范围以匹配新组织名称并运行 npm publish,将包重新发布到新组织。

    ¥Republish packages to the new organization by updating the package scope in its package.json file to match the new organization name and running npm publish.

  5. 在新组织团队中,配置包访问 以匹配旧组织中的团队包访问权限。

    ¥In the new organization teams, configure package access to match team package access in your old organization.

  6. 联系 npm 支持 取消发布过时的包并删除以前的组织。

    ¥Contact npm Support to have the outdated packages unpublished and the previous organization deleted.

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