




npm team create <scope:team> [--otp <otpcode>]
npm team destroy <scope:team> [--otp <otpcode>]
npm team add <scope:team> <user> [--otp <otpcode>]
npm team rm <scope:team> <user> [--otp <otpcode>]
npm team ls <scope>|<scope:team>


¥Note: This command is unaware of workspaces.




¥Used to manage teams in organizations, and change team memberships. Does not handle permissions for packages.

团队在对其进行操作时,必须始终完全符合他们所属的组织/范围,用冒号 (:) 分隔。也就是说,如果你在 org 组织中有 newteam 团队,则在这些命令中必须始终将该团队称为 @org:newteam

¥Teams must always be fully qualified with the organization/scope they belong to when operating on them, separated by a colon (:). That is, if you have a newteam team in an org organization, you must always refer to that team as @org:newteam in these commands.

如果你在 auth-and-writes 模式下启用了双重身份验证,则可以使用 [--otp <otpcode>] 提供来自身份验证器的代码。如果你不包括这个,那么你将被带到基于你的 authtype 的第二个因素流。

¥If you have two-factor authentication enabled in auth-and-writes mode, then you can provide a code from your authenticator with [--otp <otpcode>]. If you don't include this then you will be taken through a second factor flow based on your authtype.

  • create / destroy:创建一个新团队,或摧毁现有团队。注意:你不能删除 developers 团队,了解更多。

    ¥create / destroy: Create a new team, or destroy an existing one. Note: You cannot remove the developers team, learn more.

    以下是在 org 组织下创建新团队 newteam 的方法:

    ¥Here's how to create a new team newteam under the org org:

    npm team create @org:newteam

    你应该会看到一条确认消息,例如:+@org:newteam 新团队创建后。

    ¥You should see a confirming message such as: +@org:newteam once the new team has been created.

  • add:将用户添加到现有团队。

    ¥add: Add a user to an existing team.

    将新用户 username 添加到 org 组织下名为 newteam 的团队:

    ¥Adding a new user username to a team named newteam under the org org:

    npm team add @org:newteam username

    成功后,你应该会看到一条消息:username added to @org:newteam

    ¥On success, you should see a message: username added to @org:newteam

  • rm:使用 npm team rm,你还可以从他们所属的团队中删除用户。

    ¥rm: Using npm team rm you can also remove users from a team they belong to.

    这是从 org 组织中的 newteam 团队中删除用户 username 的示例:

    ¥Here's an example removing user username from newteam team in org organization:

    npm team rm @org:newteam username

    删除用户后,将显示一条确认消息:username removed from @org:newteam

    ¥Once the user is removed a confirmation message is displayed: username removed from @org:newteam

  • ls:如果对组织名称执行,将返回该组织下现有团队的列表。如果对团队执行,它将返回属于该特定团队的所有用户的列表。

    ¥ls: If performed on an organization name, will return a list of existing teams under that organization. If performed on a team, it will instead return a list of all users belonging to that particular team.

    以下是如何列出来自名为 org 的组织的所有团队的示例:

    ¥Here's an example of how to list all teams from an org named org:

    npm team ls @org

    列出名为 newteam 的团队的所有成员的示例:

    ¥Example listing all members of a team named newteam:

    npm team ls @org:newteam



npm team 始终直接在当前注册表上运行,可以使用 --registry=<registry url> 从命令行进行配置。

¥npm team always operates directly on the current registry, configurable from the command line using --registry=<registry url>.


¥You must be a team admin to create teams and manage team membership, under the given organization. Listing teams and team memberships may be done by any member of the organization.

团队管理员和组织成员的组织创建和管理是通过网站完成的,而不是 npm CLI。

¥Organization creation and management of team admins and organization members is done through the website, not the npm CLI.

要使用团队管理属于你组织的包的权限,请使用 npm access 命令授予或撤销适当的权限。

¥To use teams to manage permissions on packages belonging to your organization, use the npm access command to grant or revoke the appropriate permissions.




npm 注册表的基本 URL。

¥The base URL of the npm registry.


  • 默认值:null

    ¥Default: null

  • 类型:空值或字符串

    ¥Type: null or String

这是来自双重身份验证器的一次性密码。使用 npm access 发布或更改包权限时需要它。

¥This is a one-time password from a two-factor authenticator. It's needed when publishing or changing package permissions with npm access.

如果未设置,并且注册表响应失败并询问一次性密码,npm 将在命令行上提示输入一次密码。

¥If not set, and a registry response fails with a challenge for a one-time password, npm will prompt on the command line for one.


  • 默认值:false

    ¥Default: false

  • 类型:布尔值

    ¥Type: Boolean

从写入标准输出的命令输出可解析的结果。对于 npm search,这将是制表符分隔的表格格式。

¥Output parseable results from commands that write to standard output. For npm search, this will be tab-separated table format.


  • 默认值:false

    ¥Default: false

  • 类型:布尔值

    ¥Type: Boolean

是否输出 JSON 数据,而不是正常输出。

¥Whether or not to output JSON data, rather than the normal output.

  • npm pkg set 中,它可以使用 JSON.parse() 解析集合值,然后再将它们保存到你的 package.json

    ¥In npm pkg set it enables parsing set values with JSON.parse() before saving them to your package.json.

并非所有 npm 命令都支持。

¥Not supported by all npm commands.


¥See Also

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