组织管理员可以删除组织;如果组织中的包满足 取消发布包的要求,它们也将是 被删除。不能删除的包可以用 弃用的 代替。

¥An organization administrator can delete the organization; packages in the organization will also be deleted if they fulfill the requirements to unpublish packages. Packages that cannot be deleted can be deprecated instead.

  1. 在 npm“登录”页面上,输入您的帐户详细信息并单击登录 Screenshot of npm login dialog
  2. 在页面的右上角,点击您的个人资料照片,然后点击帐户 Screenshot of account settings selection in user menu
  3. 在左侧边栏中,单击要删除的组织的名称。

    ¥In the left sidebar, click the name of the organization that you want to delete.

    Screenshot of left sidebar
  4. 在组织设置页面上,点击结算 Screenshot of the organization billing tab
  5. 在 "删除组织" 下,单击 Delete

    ¥Under "delete organization", click Delete.

    Screenshot of org delete button
  6. 你将获得组织中的软件包的概述,以及当你的组织被删除时它们会发生什么。可以取消发布 的包将被删除。

    ¥You will be given an overview of the packages in your organization and what will happen to them when your organization is deleted. Packages that can be unpublished will be deleted.

    如果你确定要继续,请输入你的组织名称并单击 Delete this organization

    ¥If you are sure that you want to continue, enter your organization name and click Delete this organization.

    Screenshot of org delete plan
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