
作为具有付费用户账户的 npm 用户,你可以添加另一个具有付费账户的 npm 用户作为你拥有的私有包的协作者。

¥As an npm user with a paid user account, you can add another npm user with a paid account as a collaborator on a private package you own.

注意:你要添加为私有包的协作者的用户必须具有付费用户账户。要注册付费账户,他们可以访问 https://www.npmjs.com/settings/username/billing,将 username 替换为他们的 npm 用户名。

¥Note: The user you want to add as a collaborator on your private package must have a paid user account. To sign up for a paid account, they can visit https://www.npmjs.com/settings/username/billing, replacing username with their npm username.


¥When you add a member to your package, they are sent an email inviting them to the package. The new member has to accept the invitation to gain access to the package.


¥Granting access to a private user package on the web

  1. npm 网站 上,转到要添加协作者的包:https://www.npmjs.com/package/<your-package-name>

    ¥On the npm website, go to the package to which you want to add a collaborator: https://www.npmjs.com/package/<your-package-name>.

  2. 在包页面上,单击“"设置"”选项卡。

    ¥On the package page, click the "Settings" tab.

  3. 转到 "邀请维护者" 部分。

    ¥Go to the "Invite maintainer" section.

  4. 输入协作者的 npm 用户名。

    ¥Enter the npm username of the collaborator.

  5. 单击“邀请”。

    ¥Click Invite.


¥Granting private package access from the command line interface

要在命令行上将协作者添加到包中,请运行以下命令,将 <user> 替换为协作者的 npm 用户名,将 <your-package-name> 替换为私有包的名称:

¥To add a collaborator to a package on the command line, run the following command, replacing <user> with the npm username of your collaborator, and <your-package-name> with the name of the private package:

npm owner add <user> <your-package-name>


¥Granting access to private organization packages

要授予 npm 用户对私有组织包的访问权限,你必须让组织所有者将它们添加到你的组织中,然后将它们添加到有权访问私有包的团队中。欲了解更多信息,请参阅“添加成员到你的组织”。

¥To grant an npm user access to private organization packages, you must have an organization owner add them to your organization, then add them to a team that has access to the private package. For more information, see "Adding members to your organization".

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