




npm owner add <user> <package-spec>
npm owner rm <user> <package-spec>
npm owner ls <package-spec>
alias: author




¥Manage ownership of published packages.

  • ls:列出所有有权修改包和推送新版本的用户。当你需要知道向谁寻求帮助时非常方便。

    ¥ls: List all the users who have access to modify a package and push new versions. Handy when you need to know who to bug for help.

  • add:添加一个新用户作为包的维护者。此用户可以修改元数据、发布新版本和添加其他所有者。

    ¥add: Add a new user as a maintainer of a package. This user is enabled to modify metadata, publish new versions, and add other owners.

  • rm:从包所有者列表中删除用户。这立即撤销了他们的特权。

    ¥rm: Remove a user from the package owner list. This immediately revokes their privileges.


¥Note that there is only one level of access. Either you can modify a package, or you can't. Future versions may contain more fine-grained access levels, but that is not implemented at this time.

如果你使用 auth-and-writes(请参阅 npm-profile)启用了双重身份验证,那么在更改所有权时你将需要通过第二个因素流程,或者在 --otp 的命令行中包含一个 otp。

¥If you have two-factor authentication enabled with auth-and-writes (see npm-profile) then you'll need to go through a second factor flow when changing ownership or include an otp on the command line with --otp.




npm 注册表的基本 URL。

¥The base URL of the npm registry.


  • 默认值:null

    ¥Default: null

  • 类型:空值或字符串

    ¥Type: null or String

这是来自双重身份验证器的一次性密码。使用 npm access 发布或更改包权限时需要它。

¥This is a one-time password from a two-factor authenticator. It's needed when publishing or changing package permissions with npm access.

如果未设置,并且注册表响应失败并询问一次性密码,npm 将在命令行上提示输入一次密码。

¥If not set, and a registry response fails with a challenge for a one-time password, npm will prompt on the command line for one.


  • 默认值:


  • 类型:字符串(可以设置多次)

    ¥Type: String (can be set multiple times)


¥Enable running a command in the context of the configured workspaces of the current project while filtering by running only the workspaces defined by this configuration option.

workspace 配置的有效值为:

¥Valid values for the workspace config are either:

  • 工作区名称

    ¥Workspace names

  • 工作区目录的路径

    ¥Path to a workspace directory

  • 父工作区目录的路径(将导致选择该文件夹中的所有工作区)

    ¥Path to a parent workspace directory (will result in selecting all workspaces within that folder)

npm init 命令设置时,可以将其设置为尚不存在的工作区的文件夹,以创建文件夹并将其设置为项目中的全新工作区。

¥When set for the npm init command, this may be set to the folder of a workspace which does not yet exist, to create the folder and set it up as a brand new workspace within the project.


¥This value is not exported to the environment for child processes.


  • 默认值:null

    ¥Default: null

  • 类型:空值或布尔值

    ¥Type: null or Boolean

设置为 true 可在所有已配置工作区的上下文中运行该命令。

¥Set to true to run the command in the context of all configured workspaces.

显式将此设置为 false 将导致像 install 这样的命令完全忽略工作区。未明确设置时:

¥Explicitly setting this to false will cause commands like install to ignore workspaces altogether. When not set explicitly:

  • node_modules 树上运行的命令(安装、更新等)会将工作区链接到 node_modules 文件夹。* 执行其他操作(测试、执行、发布等)的命令将在根项目上运行,除非在 workspace 配置中指定了一个或多个工作区。

    ¥Commands that operate on the node_modules tree (install, update, etc.) will link workspaces into the node_modules folder. - Commands that do other things (test, exec, publish, etc.) will operate on the root project, unless one or more workspaces are specified in the workspace config.


¥This value is not exported to the environment for child processes.


¥See Also

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