你可以使用访问令牌通过持续集成 (CI) 系统测试私有 npm 包,或使用持续部署 (CD) 系统部署它们。

¥You can use access tokens to test private npm packages with continuous integration (CI) systems, or deploy them using continuous deployment (CD) systems.


¥Create a new access token

创建一个仅用于从 CI/CD 服务器访问 npm 包的新访问令牌。

¥Create a new access token that will be used only to access npm packages from a CI/CD server.


¥Continuous integration


¥When generating an access token for use in a continuous integration environment, we recommend using a granular access token with limited access to provide greater security.

如果你改用旧版令牌,则默认情况下,npm token create 将生成具有读写权限的令牌。我们建议创建一个只读令牌:

¥If you use a legacy token instead, by default, npm token create will generate a token with both read and write permissions. We recommend creating a read-only token:

npm token create --read-only

有关创建访问令牌(包括 CIDR 白名单令牌)的更多信息,请参阅“创建访问令牌”。

¥For more information on creating access tokens, including CIDR-whitelisted tokens, see "Creating an access token".


¥Continuous deployment

由于持续部署环境通常涉及创建部署工件,因此你可能希望在网站上创建一个 自动化令牌。即使你的账户启用了双重身份验证,这也将允许你发布。

¥Since continuous deployment environments usually involve the creation of a deploy artifact, you may wish to create an automation token on the website. This will allow you to publish even if you have two-factor authentication enabled on your account.


¥Interactive workflows


¥If your workflow produces a package, but you publish it manually after validation, then you will want to create a token with read and write permissions, which are granted with the standard token creation command:

npm token create

CIDR 白名单

¥CIDR whitelists

为了提高安全性,你可以使用只能在特定 IP 地址范围内使用的 CIDR 白名单令牌。你可以将 CIDR 白名单与读取和发布令牌或只读令牌一起使用:

¥For increased security, you may use a CIDR-whitelisted token that can only be used from a certain IP address range. You can use a CIDR whitelist with a read and publish token or a read-only token:

npm token create --cidr=[list]
npm token create --read-only --cidr=[list]



npm token create --cidr=


¥For more information, see "Creating and viewing authentication tokens".

将令牌设置为 CI/CD 服务器上的环境变量

¥Set the token as an environment variable on the CI/CD server

在 CI/CD 服务器中将你的令牌设置为环境变量或密钥。

¥Set your token as an environment variable, or a secret, in your CI/CD server.

例如,在 GitHub Actions 中,你将 添加你的令牌作为密码。然后,你可以将秘密提供给工作流。

¥For example, in GitHub Actions, you would add your token as a secret. Then you can make the secret available to workflows.

如果你将密钥命名为 NPM_TOKEN,那么你将希望从该密钥创建一个名为 NPM_TOKEN 的环境变量。

¥If you named the secret NPM_TOKEN, then you would want to create an environment variable named NPM_TOKEN from that secret.

- run: |
npm install
- env:
NPM_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NPM_TOKEN }}

有关更多详细信息,请参阅 CI/CD 服务器的文档。

¥Consult your CI/CD server's documentation for more details.

创建并签入一个特定于项目的 .npmrc 文件

¥Create and check in a project-specific .npmrc file

使用带有令牌变量的项目特定 .npmrc 文件,通过 npm 安全地验证 CI/CD 服务器。

¥Use a project-specific .npmrc file with a variable for your token to securely authenticate your CI/CD server with npm.

  1. 在项目的根目录下,创建一个自定义的 .npmrc 文件,内容如下:

    ¥In the root directory of your project, create a custom .npmrc file with the following contents:


    注意:你正在指定字面量值 ${NPM_TOKEN}。npm cli 会将这个值替换为 NPM_TOKEN 环境变量的内容。不要将令牌放入此文件中。

    ¥Note: that you are specifying a literal value of ${NPM_TOKEN}. The npm cli will replace this value with the contents of the NPM_TOKEN environment variable. Do not put a token in this file.

  2. 签入 .npmrc 文件。

    ¥Check in the .npmrc file.


¥Securing your token


¥Your token may have permission to read private packages, publish new packages on your behalf, or change user or package settings. Protect your token.

不要将你的令牌添加到版本控制或不安全地存储它。将其存储在密码管理器、云提供商的安全存储或 CI/CD 提供商的安全存储中。

¥Do not add your token to version control or store it insecurely. Store it in a password manager, your cloud provider's secure storage, or your CI/CD provider's secure storage.


¥When possible, use granular access tokens with the minimum permissions necessary, and set short expiration dates for your tokens. For more information, see "About access tokens."

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