如果你有 npm 用户账户,则可以将你的用户账户转换为组织。当你将用户账户转换为组织时,我们将:
¥If you have an npm user account, you can convert your user account to an organization. When you convert your user account to an organization, we will:
¥Create a new organization with the name of your user account.
提示你创建一个新的 npm 用户账户。我们建议你选择旧用户名的变体,以便合作者认出你。例如,如果你的旧用户名是 "wombat",那么你的新用户名可能是 "wombat-new"。
¥Prompt you to create a new npm user account. We recommend choosing a variation of your old user name so collaborators will recognize you. For example, if your old username was "wombat", your new username might be "wombat-new".
使你的新 npm 用户账户成为你的新组织的所有者。
¥Make your new npm user account an owner of your new organization.
将你的新 npm 用户账户添加到新组织中名为 "开发者" 的团队中。
¥Add your new npm user account to a team called "Developers" in your new organization.
¥Transfer packages owned by your user account to your new organization.
¥Transfer your existing organization and team memberships and contributor access settings to your new user account.
注意:将旧用户 账户转换为组织后,你将无法再使用旧用户账户登录 npm。
¥Note: Once your old user account has been converted to an organization, you will no longer be able to sign in to npm with your old user account.
在 npm“登录”页面上,输入您的帐户详细信息并单击登录。
¥Below the account creation form, click Convert.
¥Review the account conversion steps and click Continue.
在新用户账户创建页面的 "用户名" 字段中,输入新用户账户的名称,然后单击提交。
¥On the new user account creation page, in the "Username" field, type the name of your new user account, then click Submit.
在套餐选择页面上,选择 "无限私有包" 付费套餐或 "无限公共包" 免费套餐,然后单击“购买”或“创建”。
¥On the plan selection page, select either the "Unlimited private packages" paid plan or the "Unlimited public packages" free plan, then click Buy or Create.
¥If you selected to use the unlimited private packages plan, in the payment dialog, provide the email, name, address, and credit card information for the card that will be used to pay for the organization.