See Details目录

你可以使用 npm 搜索栏来查找要在项目中使用的包。搜索使用软件包标题、说明、自述文件和关键字中的内容进行,由 opensearch 提供支持。搜索结果基于软件包标题、描述、自述文件和关键字的关键字匹配显示。不应用任何主观排名标准,除了最低限度地提高垃圾软件包或全新软件包的优先级,旨在对所有其他软件包保持中立立场。

¥You can use the npm search bar to find packages to use in your projects. The search is performed using content from the package's title, description, readme, and keywords and is powered by opensearch. Search results are displayed based on keyword matching from the package's title, description, readme, and keywords. No subjective ranking criteria are applied, except for a minimal boost to deprioritize spammy or entirely new packages, aiming to maintain a neutral stance towards all other packages.


¥Please note that newly published packages may take up to two weeks to appear in the search results. Additionally, deprecated packages are excluded from the search results to enhance the user experience.


¥Searching for a package

  1. 在搜索栏中,输入搜索词并按 Enter。在你键入时,将出现可能的选择。

    ¥In the search bar, type a search term and press Enter. As you type, possible choices will appear.

    Screenshot of a search text box with automatic suggestions Screenshot of the search text box and search results
  2. 结果显示找到的软件包的大致数量,并附带一个用于排序选项的下拉菜单。用户可以选择排序方法(例如关键字匹配(默认)、下载计数、最依赖和上次发布日期)来优化搜索。

    ¥The results display an approximate count of packages found, accompanied by a dropdown menu for sorting options. Users can refine their search by choosing from sorting methods such as keyword matching (Default), download counts, most dependents, and last published date.

    Screenshot of the search Sort by dropdown featuring sorting options
  3. 在包搜索结果列表中,单击包的名称。

    ¥In the package search results list, click the name of the package.


¥Package provenance

软件包主页还会显示出处信息(如果有)。有关如何验证此信息的详细信息,请查看 查看软件包出处

¥The package homepage also displays provenance information when available. For details on how to verify this information, check viewing package provenance.

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