作为组织所有者,你可以将其他 npm 用户添加到你的组织,以授予他们对你组织范围内的公共和私有包以及由你的组织管理的公共无范围包的读取或读写访问权限。

¥As an organization owner, you can add other npm users to your organization to give them read or read and write access to public and private packages within your organization's scope, as well as public unscoped packages governed by your organization.


¥When you add a member to your organization, they are sent an email inviting them to the organization.

一旦成为新成员 接受邀请,他们是:

¥Once the new member accepts the invitation, they are:

如果你有 付费组织,作为 npm Teams 计划的一部分,每个新成员每月将向你收取 7 美元的费用。

¥If you have a paid organization, as part of an npm Teams plan, you will be billed $7 per month for each new member.


¥Inviting members to your organization

  1. 在 npm“登录”页面上,输入您的帐户详细信息并单击登录 Screenshot of npm login dialog
  2. 在页面的右上角,点击您的个人资料照片,然后点击帐户 Screenshot of account settings selection in user menu
  3. 在左侧边栏中,单击您的组织名称。 Screenshot of a selected organization
  4. 在组织设置页面上,点击成员 Screenshot of the organization members tab
  5. 单击邀请成员按钮。

    ¥Click the Invite Members button.

    Screenshot of the invite members button
  6. 在 "用户名或电子邮件" 字段中,输入你要邀请的人的用户名或电子邮件地址。或者,你可以选择一个特定的团队来邀请该成员。

    ¥In the "Username or email" field, type the username or email address of the person you wish to invite. Optionally you can select a specific team to invite the member to.

    Screenshot of the username or email field
  7. 单击“邀请”。

    ¥Click Invite.

    Screenshot of the invite button


¥Revoking an organization invitation


¥As an organization owner, if you've made a mistake in inviting someone to your organization, you can revoke the organization invitation.

  1. 在 npm“登录”页面上,输入您的帐户详细信息并单击登录 Screenshot of npm login dialog
  2. 在页面的右上角,点击您的个人资料照片,然后点击帐户 Screenshot of account settings selection in user menu
  3. 在左侧边栏中,单击您的组织名称。 Screenshot of a selected organization
  4. 在组织设置页面上,点击成员 Screenshot of the organization members tab
  5. 单击邀请成员按钮。

    ¥Click the Invite Members button.

    Screenshot of the invite members button
  6. 在 "邀请" 字段下,单击你要撤销的用户邀请名称旁边的 X。

    ¥Under the "Invitations" field, click the X next to the name of the user invitation you would like to revoke.

    Screenshot of the revoke invitation button
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