See Details
如果你在 npm 包(你的或其他人的)中发现恶意软件,你可以将其报告给 npm 安全团队,以帮助保持 Javascript 生态系统的安全。
¥If you find malware in an npm package (either yours or someone else's), you can report it to the npm Security team to help keep the Javascript ecosystem safe.
注意:npm 包中的漏洞应直接报告给包维护者。我们强烈建议你私下进行。你可以使用 npm owner ls <package-name>
找到有关包维护者的联系信息。如果源代码托管在 GitHub 上,请参考存储库的 安全政策。
¥Note: Vulnerabilities in npm packages should be reported directly to the package maintainers. We strongly advise doing this privately. You can find contact information about package maintainers with npm owner ls <package-name>
. If the source code is hosted on GitHub please refer to the repository's Security Policy.
npm Security 如何处理恶意软件
¥How npm Security handles malware
恶意软件是 npm 安全的主要问题,我们已经从注册表中删除了数百个恶意包。对于我们收到的每个恶意软件报告,npm Security 都会采取以下措施:
¥Malware is a major concern for npm Security and we have removed hundreds of malicious packages from the registry. For every malware report we receive, npm Security takes the following actions:
¥Confirm validity of the report.
¥Remove the package from the registry.
¥Publish a security placeholder for the package.
¥Publish a security advisory alerting the community.
¥As part of our process we determine whether the user account who uploaded the package should be banned. We also cooperate with 3rd parties when applicable.
¥Reporting malware
¥Gather information about the malware.
¥On the package page, click Report malware.
¥On the malware report page, provide information about yourself and the malware:
¥Name: Your name.
电子邮件地址:npm 安全团队可以用来与你联系的电子邮件地址。
¥Email address: An email address the npm Security team can use to contact you.
包名称 :包含恶意软件的包的名称。
¥Package name: The name of the package that contains the malware.
¥Package version: The version of the package that contains the malware. Include all affected versions.
¥Description of the malware: A brief description of the malware and its effects. Include references, commits, and/or code examples that would help our researchers confirm the report.
¥Click Send Report.