




npm access list packages [<user>|<scope>|<scope:team>] [<package>]
npm access list collaborators [<package> [<user>]]
npm access get status [<package>]
npm access set status=public|private [<package>]
npm access set mfa=none|publish|automation [<package>]
npm access grant <read-only|read-write> <scope:team> [<package>]
npm access revoke <scope:team> [<package>]


¥Note: This command is unaware of workspaces.




¥Used to set access controls on private packages.

对于所有子命令,如果没有将包名传递给子命令,npm access 将对当前工作目录中的包执行操作。

¥For all of the subcommands, npm access will perform actions on the packages in the current working directory if no package name is passed to the subcommand.

  • public / restricted(已弃用):将包设置为可公开访问或受限制。

    ¥public / restricted (deprecated): Set a package to be either publicly accessible or restricted.

  • grant / revoke(已弃用):添加或删除用户和团队对包具有只读或读写访问权限的能力。

    ¥grant / revoke (deprecated): Add or remove the ability of users and teams to have read-only or read-write access to a package.

  • 2fa-required / 2fa-not-required(已弃用):配置包是否要求发布它的任何人在其账户上启用双重身份验证。

    ¥2fa-required / 2fa-not-required (deprecated): Configure whether a package requires that anyone publishing it have two-factor authentication enabled on their account.

  • ls-packages(已弃用):显示用户或团队能够访问的所有包以及访问级别,只读公共包除外(它不会打印整个注册表列表)

    ¥ls-packages (deprecated): Show all of the packages a user or a team is able to access, along with the access level, except for read-only public packages (it won't print the whole registry listing)

  • ls-collaborators(已弃用):显示包的所有访问权限。只会显示你至少具有读取权限的包的权限。如果传入 <user>,则列表仅过滤到用户恰好属于的团队。

    ¥ls-collaborators (deprecated): Show all of the access privileges for a package. Will only show permissions for packages to which you have at least read access. If <user> is passed in, the list is filtered only to teams that user happens to belong to.

  • edit(未实现)

    ¥edit (not implemented)



npm access 始终直接在当前注册表上运行,可以使用 --registry=<registry url> 从命令行进行配置。

¥npm access always operates directly on the current registry, configurable from the command line using --registry=<registry url>.


¥Unscoped packages are always public.

范围包默认为受限,但你可以使用 npm publish --access=public 将它们发布为公共,或者在初始发布后使用 npm access public 将其访问权限设置为公共。

¥Scoped packages default to restricted, but you can either publish them as public using npm publish --access=public, or set their access as public using npm access public after the initial publish.


¥You must have privileges to set the access of a package:

  • 你是无范围或范围包的所有者。

    ¥You are an owner of an unscoped or scoped package.

  • 你是拥有范围的团队的成员。

    ¥You are a member of the team that owns a scope.

  • 作为团队成员或直接作为所有者,你已获得包的读写权限。

    ¥You have been given read-write privileges for a package, either as a member of a team or directly as an owner.

如果你启用了双重身份验证,系统会提示你提供第二个因素,或者可以使用 --otp=... 选项在命令行上指定它。

¥If you have two-factor authentication enabled then you'll be prompted to provide a second factor, or may use the --otp=... option to specify it on the command line.

如果你的账户未付款,则除非你使用 --access=public,否则尝试发布范围包将失败并返回 HTTP 402 状态代码(从逻辑上讲)。

¥If your account is not paid, then attempts to publish scoped packages will fail with an HTTP 402 status code (logically enough), unless you use --access=public.

团队和团队成员的管理是使用 npm team 命令完成的。

¥Management of teams and team memberships is done with the npm team command.




  • 默认值:false

    ¥Default: false

  • 类型:布尔值

    ¥Type: Boolean

是否输出 JSON 数据,而不是正常输出。

¥Whether or not to output JSON data, rather than the normal output.

  • npm pkg set 中,它可以使用 JSON.parse() 解析集合值,然后再将它们保存到你的 package.json

    ¥In npm pkg set it enables parsing set values with JSON.parse() before saving them to your package.json.

并非所有 npm 命令都支持。

¥Not supported by all npm commands.


  • 默认值:null

    ¥Default: null

  • 类型:空值或字符串

    ¥Type: null or String

这是来自双重身份验证器的一次性密码。使用 npm access 发布或更改包权限时需要它。

¥This is a one-time password from a two-factor authenticator. It's needed when publishing or changing package permissions with npm access.

如果未设置,并且注册表响应失败并询问一次性密码,npm 将在命令行上提示输入一次密码。

¥If not set, and a registry response fails with a challenge for a one-time password, npm will prompt on the command line for one.


npm 注册表的基本 URL。

¥The base URL of the npm registry.


¥See Also

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