要在用户或组织命名空间中公开共享你的代码,你可以将公共用户范围或组织范围的包发布到 npm 注册表。

¥To share your code publicly in a user or organization namespace, you can publish public user-scoped or organization-scoped packages to the npm registry.


¥For more information on scopes, see "About scopes".

注意:在发布用户范围的 npm 包之前,你必须 注册 为 npm 用户账户。

¥Note: Before you can publish user-scoped npm packages, you must sign up for an npm user account.

此外,要发布组织范围的包,你必须先 创建一个 npm 用户账户,然后再 创建一个 npm 组织

¥Additionally, to publish organization-scoped packages, you must create an npm user account, then create an npm organization.


¥Creating a scoped public package

  1. 如果你使用 npmrc 去 管理多个注册表上的账户,请在命令行上切换到相应的配置文件:

    ¥If you are using npmrc to manage accounts on multiple registries, on the command line, switch to the appropriate profile:

    npmrc <profile-name>
  2. 在命令行上,为你的包创建一个目录:

    ¥On the command line, create a directory for your package:

    mkdir my-test-package
  3. 导航到包的根目录:

    ¥Navigate to the root directory of your package:

    cd my-test-package
  4. 如果你使用 git 管理你的包代码,请在包根目录中运行以下命令,将 git-remote-url 替换为你的包的 git 远程 URL:

    ¥If you are using git to manage your package code, in the package root directory, run the following commands, replacing git-remote-url with the git remote URL for your package:

    git init
    git remote add origin git://git-remote-url
  5. 在包根目录中,运行 npm init 命令并将范围传递给 scope 标志:

    ¥In the package root directory, run the npm init command and pass the scope to the scope flag:

    • 对于组织范围的包,将 my-org 替换为你的组织名称:

      ¥For an organization-scoped package, replace my-org with the name of your organization:

      npm init --scope=@my-org
    • 对于用户范围的包,将 my-username 替换为你的用户名:

      ¥For a user-scoped package, replace my-username with your username:

      npm init --scope=@my-username
  6. 根据提示生成 package.json 文件。如需命名包的帮助,请参阅“包名指南”。

    ¥Respond to the prompts to generate a package.json file. For help naming your package, see "Package name guidelines".

  7. 创建一个 README 文件,说明你的包代码是什么以及如何使用它。

    ¥Create a README file that explains what your package code is and how to use it.

  8. 在你首选的文本编辑器中,为你的包编写代码。

    ¥In your preferred text editor, write the code for your package.


¥Reviewing package contents for sensitive or unnecessary information

将敏感信息发布到注册表可能会损害你的用户,损害你的开发基础架构,修复成本高昂,并使你面临法律诉讼的风险。我们强烈建议你在将包发布到注册表之前删除敏感信息,例如私钥、密码、个人身份信息 (PII) 和信用卡数据。

¥Publishing sensitive information to the registry can harm your users, compromise your development infrastructure, be expensive to fix, and put you at risk of legal action. We strongly recommend removing sensitive information, such as private keys, passwords, personally identifiable information (PII), and credit card data before publishing your package to the registry.

对于不太敏感的信息,例如测试数据,使用 .npmignore.gitignore 文件来防止发布到注册表。有关详细信息,请参阅 此文章

¥For less sensitive information, such as testing data, use a .npmignore or .gitignore file to prevent publishing to the registry. For more information, see this article.


¥Testing your package

为了减少发布错误的机会,我们建议在将包发布到 npm 注册表之前对其进行测试。要测试你的包,请使用包目录的完整路径运行 npm install

¥To reduce the chances of publishing bugs, we recommend testing your package before publishing it to the npm registry. To test your package, run npm install with the full path to your package directory:

npm install my-package


¥Publishing scoped public packages

默认情况下,范围包以私有可见性发布。要发布具有公共可见性的范围包,请使用 npm publish --access public

¥By default, scoped packages are published with private visibility. To publish a scoped package with public visibility, use npm publish --access public.

  1. 在命令行上,导航到包的根目录。

    ¥On the command line, navigate to the root directory of your package.

    cd /path/to/package
  2. 要将范围公共包发布到 npm 注册表,请运行:

    ¥To publish your scoped public package to the npm registry, run:

    npm publish --access public

    注意:如果你使用 GitHub Actions 发布你的包,你可以为你发布的每个包生成出处信息。欲了解更多信息,请参阅“生成出处声明”。

    ¥Note: If you use GitHub Actions to publish your packages, you can generate provenance information for each package you publish. For more information, see "Generating provenance statements."

  3. 要查看你的公共包页面,请访问 [https://npmjs.com/package/*package-name](https://npmjs.com/package/\package-name\),将 package-name 替换为你的包名称。公共包会在 npm 网站上的包名下方显示 public

    ¥To see your public package page, visit [https://npmjs.com/package/*package-name](https://npmjs.com/package/\package-name\), replacing package-name with the name of your package. Public packages will say public below the package name on the npm website.

    Screenshot of a public npm Teams package

有关 publish 命令的更多信息,请参阅 CLI 文档

¥For more information on the publish command, see the CLI documentation.

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