See Details目录

作为 npm 用户或组织成员,你可以创建和发布任何人都可以下载并在自己的项目中使用的公共包。

¥As an npm user or organization member, you can create and publish public packages that anyone can download and use in their own projects.

  • 无范围公共包存在于全局公共注册表命名空间中,可以在 package.json 文件中仅使用包名称进行引用:package-name

    ¥Unscoped public packages exist in the global public registry namespace and can be referenced in a package.json file with the package name alone: package-name.

  • 作用域公共包属于用户或组织,当作为依赖包含在 package.json 文件中时,必须以用户或组织名称开头:

    ¥Scoped public packages belong to a user or organization and must be preceded by the user or organization name when included as a dependency in a package.json file:

    • @username/package-name

    • @org-name/package-name


¥Next steps

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