
¥Accepting an organization invitation


¥If you receive an invitation to an organization, you have to accept the invitation over email to be added to the organization.


¥You have the option to use a different email address than the one that received the invitation to join the organization.

  1. 单击组织邀请电子邮件中的验证链接。

    ¥Click the verification link in the organization invitation email.

  2. 系统将提示你登录你的 npm 用户账户。如果你没有 npm 用户账户,你可以注册一个。

    ¥You will be prompted to log into your npm user account. If you don't have an npm user account, you can sign up for one.

    Accept organization invitation


¥Rejecting an organization invitation


¥If you are invited to an organization that you do not want to join, you can let the invitation expire. Organization invitations expire after one week.

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