




npm cache add <package-spec>
npm cache clean [<key>]
npm cache ls [<name>@<version>]
npm cache verify
npm cache npx ls
npm cache npx rm [<key>...]
npm cache npx info <key>...


¥Note: This command is unaware of workspaces.



用于添加、列出或清理 npm cache 文件夹。还用于查看有关 npm exec(又名 npx)缓存文件夹中条目的信息。

¥Used to add, list, or clean the npm cache folder. Also used to view info about entries in the npm exec (aka npx) cache folder.

npm cache

  • add:将指定的包添加到本地缓存。此命令主要供 npm 内部使用,但它可以提供一种将数据显式添加到本地安装缓存的方法。

    ¥add: Add the specified packages to the local cache. This command is primarily intended to be used internally by npm, but it can provide a way to add data to the local installation cache explicitly.

  • clean:从缓存文件夹中删除单个条目或所有条目。请注意,这通常是不必要的,因为 npm 的缓存是自我修复的并且可以抵抗数据损坏问题。

    ¥clean: Delete a single entry or all entries out of the cache folder. Note that this is typically unnecessary, as npm's cache is self-healing and resistant to data corruption issues.

  • ls:列出本地缓存中的给定条目或所有条目。

    ¥ls: List given entries or all entries in the local cache.

  • verify:验证缓存文件夹的内容,垃圾收集任何不需要的数据,并验证缓存索引和所有缓存数据的完整性。

    ¥verify: Verify the contents of the cache folder, garbage collecting any unneeded data, and verifying the integrity of the cache index and all cached data.

npm cache npx

  • ls:列出 npx 缓存中的所有条目。

    ¥ls: List all entries in the npx cache.

  • rm:从 npx 缓存中删除给定条目或所有条目。

    ¥rm: Remove given entries or all entries from the npx cache.

  • 信息:获取有关 npx 缓存中给定条目的详细信息。

    ¥info: Get detailed information about given entries in the npx cache.



npm 将缓存数据存储在配置的 cache 中的一个不透明目录中,名为 _cacache。该目录是一个基于 cacache 的内容可寻址缓存,存储所有 http 请求数据以及其他与包相关的数据。该目录主要通过 pacote 访问,该库负责从 npm@5 开始获取所有包。

¥npm stores cache data in an opaque directory within the configured cache, named _cacache. This directory is a cacache-based content-addressable cache that stores all http request data as well as other package-related data. This directory is primarily accessed through pacote, the library responsible for all package fetching as of npm@5.

通过缓存的所有数据在插入和提取时都经过完整验证。缓存损坏将触发错误,或向 pacote 触发信号,表明必须重新获取数据,这将自动执行。出于这个原因,除了回收磁盘空间之外,永远不需要清除缓存,这就是为什么 clean 现在需要 --force 运行。

¥All data that passes through the cache is fully verified for integrity on both insertion and extraction. Cache corruption will either trigger an error, or signal to pacote that the data must be refetched, which it will do automatically. For this reason, it should never be necessary to clear the cache for any reason other than reclaiming disk space, thus why clean now requires --force to run.

目前没有通过 npm 公开的方法来检查或直接管理此缓存的内容。为了访问它,必须直接使用 cacache

¥There is currently no method exposed through npm to inspect or directly manage the contents of this cache. In order to access it, cacache must be used directly.

npm 不会自行删除数据:缓存会随着新包的安装而增长。

¥npm will not remove data by itself: the cache will grow as new packages are installed.


¥A note about the cache's design

npm 缓存严格来说是一个缓存:不应依赖它作为包数据的持久可靠的数据存储。npm 不保证以前缓存的数据以后会可用,并且会自动删除损坏的内容。缓存所做的主要保证是,如果它确实返回数据,那么该数据将完全是插入的数据。

¥The npm cache is strictly a cache: it should not be relied upon as a persistent and reliable data store for package data. npm makes no guarantee that a previously-cached piece of data will be available later, and will automatically delete corrupted contents. The primary guarantee that the cache makes is that, if it does return data, that data will be exactly the data that was inserted.

要对现有缓存内容运行离线验证,请使用 npm cache verify

¥To run an offline verification of existing cache contents, use npm cache verify.




  • 默认值:Windows:%LocalAppData%\npm-cache,Posix:~/.npm

    ¥Default: Windows: %LocalAppData%\npm-cache, Posix: ~/.npm

  • 类型:路径

    ¥Type: Path

npm 的缓存目录的位置。

¥The location of npm's cache directory.


¥See Also

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