注意:本文仅适用于公共 npm 注册表的用户。

¥Note: This article only applies to users of the public npm registry.


¥If you have a paid user account, but no longer need private packages, you can downgrade your paid organization to a free organization. When you downgrade from a paid to a free organization, you will lose the ability to install and publish private packages at the end of your last paid billing cycle. Your private packages will not be made publicly visible when you downgrade to a free plan.

  1. 在 npm“登录”页面上,输入您的帐户详细信息并单击登录 Screenshot of npm login dialog
  2. 在页面的右上角,点击您的个人资料图片,然后选择账单信息 Screenshot of billing info selection in user menu
  3. 在“更改计划”下,点击降级计划 Screenshot of the downgrade plan button
  4. 在“您确定吗?”下,点击降级为免费帐户 Screenshot of the downgrade plan confirmation
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