




npm deprecate <package-spec> <message>


¥Note: This command is unaware of workspaces.



此命令将更新包的 npm 注册表项,向所有尝试安装它的人提供弃用警告。

¥This command will update the npm registry entry for a package, providing a deprecation warning to all who attempt to install it.

它适用于 版本范围 以及特定版本,因此你可以执行以下操作:

¥It works on version ranges as well as specific versions, so you can do something like this:

npm deprecate my-thing@"< 0.2.3" "critical bug fixed in v0.2.3"

传递给此命令的 SemVer 范围被解释为包含预发布版本。例如:

¥SemVer ranges passed to this command are interpreted such that they do include prerelease versions. For example:

npm deprecate my-thing@1.x "1.x is no longer supported"

在这种情况下,版本 my-thing@1.0.0-beta.0 也将被弃用。

¥In this case, a version my-thing@1.0.0-beta.0 will also be deprecated.

你必须是包所有者才能弃用某些东西。请参阅 owneradduser 帮助主题。

¥You must be the package owner to deprecate something. See the owner and adduser help topics.

要取消弃用包,请为 message 参数指定一个空字符串 ("")。请注意,你必须使用不带空格的双引号来格式化空字符串。

¥To un-deprecate a package, specify an empty string ("") for the message argument. Note that you must use double quotes with no space between them to format an empty string.




npm 注册表的基本 URL。

¥The base URL of the npm registry.


  • 默认值:null

    ¥Default: null

  • 类型:空值或字符串

    ¥Type: null or String

这是来自双重身份验证器的一次性密码。使用 npm access 发布或更改包权限时需要它。

¥This is a one-time password from a two-factor authenticator. It's needed when publishing or changing package permissions with npm access.

如果未设置,并且注册表响应失败并询问一次性密码,npm 将在命令行上提示输入一次密码。

¥If not set, and a registry response fails with a challenge for a one-time password, npm will prompt on the command line for one.


¥See Also

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