
npm 配置文件




npm 从命令行、环境变量和 npmrc 文件获取其配置设置。

¥npm gets its config settings from the command line, environment variables, and npmrc files.

npm config 命令可用于更新和编辑用户和全局 npmrc 文件的内容。

¥The npm config command can be used to update and edit the contents of the user and global npmrc files.

有关可用配置选项的列表,请参阅 配置

¥For a list of available configuration options, see config.




¥The four relevant files are:

  • per-project config file (/path/to/my/project/.npmrc)

  • per-user config file (~/.npmrc)

  • global config file ($PREFIX/etc/npmrc)

  • npm 内置配置文件 (/path/to/npm/npmrc)

    ¥npm builtin config file (/path/to/npm/npmrc)

所有 npm 配置文件都是 key = value 参数的 ini 格式列表。可以使用 ${VARIABLE_NAME} 替换环境变量。例如:

¥All npm config files are an ini-formatted list of key = value parameters. Environment variables can be replaced using ${VARIABLE_NAME}. For example:

cache = ${HOME}/.npm-packages

这些文件中的每一个都已加载,并且配置选项按优先级顺序解析。例如,userconfig 文件中的设置将覆盖 globalconfig 文件中的设置。

¥Each of these files is loaded, and config options are resolved in priority order. For example, a setting in the userconfig file would override the setting in the globalconfig file.

通过在键名后添加 "[]" 来指定数组值。例如:

¥Array values are specified by adding "[]" after the key name. For example:

key[] = "first value"
key[] = "second value"



.npmrc 文件中的行以 ;# 字符开头时被解释为注释。.npmrc 文件由 npm/ini 解析,npm/ini 指定此注释语法。

¥Lines in .npmrc files are interpreted as comments when they begin with a ; or # character. .npmrc files are parsed by npm/ini, which specifies this comment syntax.


¥For example:

# last modified: 01 Jan 2016
; Set a new registry for a scoped package


¥Per-project config file

在项目中本地工作时,项目根目录中的 .npmrc 文件(即 node_modulespackage.json 的兄弟)将设置特定于该项目的配置值。

¥When working locally in a project, a .npmrc file in the root of the project (ie, a sibling of node_modules and package.json) will set config values specific to this project.

请注意,这仅适用于你正在运行 npm 的项目的根目录。当你的模块发布时,它不起作用。例如,你不能发布强制自身全局安装或安装在不同位置的模块。

¥Note that this only applies to the root of the project that you're running npm in. It has no effect when your module is published. For example, you can't publish a module that forces itself to install globally, or in a different location.

此外,在全局模式下不会读取此文件,例如在运行 npm install -g 时。

¥Additionally, this file is not read in global mode, such as when running npm install -g.


¥Per-user config file

$HOME/.npmrc(或 userconfig 参数,如果在环境或命令行中设置)

¥$HOME/.npmrc (or the userconfig param, if set in the environment or on the command line)


¥Global config file

$PREFIX/etc/npmrc(或 globalconfig 参数,如果在上面设置):此文件是 key = value 参数的 ini 文件格式列表。可以如上所述替换环境变量。

¥$PREFIX/etc/npmrc (or the globalconfig param, if set above): This file is an ini-file formatted list of key = value parameters. Environment variables can be replaced as above.


¥Built-in config file


这是一个不可更改的 "builtin" 配置文件,npm 在更新时保持一致。使用 npm 附带的 ./configure 脚本在此处设置字段。这主要是为了分发维护者以标准和一致的方式覆盖默认配置。

¥This is an unchangeable "builtin" configuration file that npm keeps consistent across updates. Set fields in here using the ./configure script that comes with npm. This is primarily for distribution maintainers to override default configs in a standard and consistent manner.


¥Auth related configuration

设置 _auth_authTokenusername_password 都必须限定在特定注册表范围内。这可确保 npm 永远不会将凭据发送到错误的主机。

¥The settings _auth, _authToken, username and _password must all be scoped to a specific registry. This ensures that npm will never send credentials to the wrong host.


¥The full list is:

  • _auth(base64 认证字符串)

    ¥_auth (base64 authentication string)

  • _authToken(身份验证令牌)

    ¥_authToken (authentication token)

  • username

  • _password

  • email

  • certfile(证书文件的路径)

    ¥certfile (path to certificate file)

  • keyfile(密钥文件的路径)

    ¥keyfile (path to key file)

为了限定这些值的范围,它们必须以 URI 片段为前缀。如果凭证用于对单个主机上的注册表的任何请求,则范围可能类似于 //。如果必须将其范围限定为主机上的特定路径,则还可以提供该路径,例如 //

¥In order to scope these values, they must be prefixed by a URI fragment. If the credential is meant for any request to a registry on a single host, the scope may look like // If it must be scoped to a specific path on the host that path may also be provided, such as //

; bad config
; good config
; would apply to both @myorg and @another
; would apply only to @myorg
; would apply only to @another


¥See also

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