




npm publish <package-spec>




¥Publishes a package to the registry so that it can be installed by name.

默认情况下,npm 将发布到公共注册表。这可以通过指定不同的默认注册表或在名称中使用 scope 并结合范围配置的注册表(参见 package.json)来覆盖。

¥By default npm will publish to the public registry. This can be overridden by specifying a different default registry or using a scope in the name, combined with a scope-configured registry (see package.json).

package 的解释方式与其他命令(如 npm install)相同,可以是:

¥A package is interpreted the same way as other commands (like npm install) and can be:

  • a) 包含由 package.json 文件描述的程序的文件夹

    ¥a) a folder containing a program described by a package.json file

  • b) 一个 gzipped tarball,包含 (a)

    ¥b) a gzipped tarball containing (a)

  • c) 解析为 (b) 的 url

    ¥c) a url that resolves to (b)

  • d) 在注册表上发布的 <name>@<version>(参见 registry),带有 (c)

    ¥d) a <name>@<version> that is published on the registry (see registry) with (c)

  • e) 指向 (d) 的 <name>@<tag>(见 npm dist-tag

    ¥e) a <name>@<tag> (see npm dist-tag) that points to (d)

  • f) 具有满足 (e) 的 "latest" 标签的 <name>

    ¥f) a <name> that has a "latest" tag satisfying (e)

  • g) 解决为 (a) 的 <git remote url>

    ¥g) a <git remote url> that resolves to (a)


¥The publish will fail if the package name and version combination already exists in the specified registry.

一旦使用给定名称和版本发布了一个包,该特定名称和版本组合将永远无法再次使用,即使它已被 npm unpublish 删除。

¥Once a package is published with a given name and version, that specific name and version combination can never be used again, even if it is removed with npm unpublish.

npm@5 开始,在发布期间,将在发布期间将 sha1sum 和带有 sha512sum 的完整性字段提交给注册表。后续安装将使用支持的最强算法来验证下载。

¥As of npm@5, both a sha1sum and an integrity field with a sha512sum of the tarball will be submitted to the registry during publication. Subsequent installs will use the strongest supported algorithm to verify downloads.

--dry-run 类似,参见 npm pack,它计算出要包含的文件并将它们打包到一个 tarball 中以上传到注册表。

¥Similar to --dry-run see npm pack, which figures out the files to be included and packs them into a tarball to be uploaded to the registry.


¥Files included in package

要查看将包含在你的包中的内容,请运行 npm pack --dry-run。默认情况下包含所有文件,但以下情况除外:

¥To see what will be included in your package, run npm pack --dry-run. All files are included by default, with the following exceptions:

  • 始终包含与包安装和分发相关的某些文件。例如,package.jsonREADME.mdLICENSE 等。

    ¥Certain files that are relevant to package installation and distribution are always included. For example, package.json,, LICENSE, and so on.

  • 如果 package.json 中有 "files" 列表,则仅包含指定的文件。(如果指定了目录,那么它们将被递归遍历并包含它们的内容,遵循相同的忽略规则。)

    ¥If there is a "files" list in package.json, then only the files specified will be included. (If directories are specified, then they will be walked recursively and their contents included, subject to the same ignore rules.)

  • 如果有 .gitignore.npmignore 文件,则其中被忽略的文件和所有子目录都将从包中排除。如果两个文件都存在,则忽略 .gitignore,只使用 .npmignore

    ¥If there is a .gitignore or .npmignore file, then ignored files in that and all child directories will be excluded from the package. If both files exist, then the .gitignore is ignored, and only the .npmignore is used.

    .npmignore 文件跟随 相同的模式规则.gitignore 文件

    ¥.npmignore files follow the same pattern rules as .gitignore files

  • 如果文件与某些模式匹配,则永远不会包含它,除非明确添加到 package.json 中的 "files" 列表中,或者在 .npmignore.gitignore 文件中使用 ! 规则取消忽略。

    ¥If the file matches certain patterns, then it will never be included, unless explicitly added to the "files" list in package.json, or un-ignored with a ! rule in a .npmignore or .gitignore file.

  • 符号链接从不包含在 npm 包中。

    ¥Symbolic links are never included in npm packages.

有关已发布包中包含的内容以及如何构建包的详细信息,请参阅 developers

¥See developers for full details on what's included in the published package, as well as details on how the package is built.




  • 默认值:"latest"

    ¥Default: "latest"

  • 类型:字符串

    ¥Type: String

如果你让 npm 安装一个包并且没有告诉它一个特定的版本,那么它会安装指定的标签。

¥If you ask npm to install a package and don't tell it a specific version, then it will install the specified tag.

如果没有给出明确的标签,它是添加到 npm dist-tag add 命令中指定的 package@version 的标签。

¥It is the tag added to the package@version specified in the npm dist-tag add command, if no explicit tag is given.

当被 npm diff 命令使用时,这是用于获取 tarball 的标签,默认情况下将与本地文件进行比较。

¥When used by the npm diff command, this is the tag used to fetch the tarball that will be compared with the local files by default.

如果在 npm publish 命令中使用,这是将添加到提交到注册表的包的标签。

¥If used in the npm publish command, this is the tag that will be added to the package submitted to the registry.


  • 默认值:'public' 用于新包,现有包不会改变当前级别

    ¥Default: 'public' for new packages, existing packages it will not change the current level

  • 类型:空值、"restricted" 或 "public"

    ¥Type: null, "restricted", or "public"

如果你不希望你的范围包公开可见(和可安装),请设置 --access=restricted

¥If you do not want your scoped package to be publicly viewable (and installable) set --access=restricted.

无范围的包不能设置为 restricted

¥Unscoped packages can not be set to restricted.

注意:这默认为不更改现有包的当前访问级别。在发布期间指定值 restrictedpublic 将更改对现有包的访问权限,就像 npm access set status 一样。

¥Note: This defaults to not changing the current access level for existing packages. Specifying a value of restricted or public during publish will change the access for an existing package the same way that npm access set status would.


  • 默认值:false

    ¥Default: false

  • 类型:布尔值

    ¥Type: Boolean

表示你不希望 npm 进行任何更改,并且它应该只报告它会做的事情。这可以传递到任何修改本地安装的命令中,例如 installupdatededupeuninstall 以及 packpublish

¥Indicates that you don't want npm to make any changes and that it should only report what it would have done. This can be passed into any of the commands that modify your local installation, eg, install, update, dedupe, uninstall, as well as pack and publish.

注意:其他网络相关命令不支持此功能,例如 dist-tagsowner 等。

¥Note: This is NOT honored by other network related commands, eg dist-tags, owner, etc.


  • 默认值:null

    ¥Default: null

  • 类型:空值或字符串

    ¥Type: null or String

这是来自双重身份验证器的一次性密码。使用 npm access 发布或更改包权限时需要它。

¥This is a one-time password from a two-factor authenticator. It's needed when publishing or changing package permissions with npm access.

如果未设置,并且注册表响应失败并询问一次性密码,npm 将在命令行上提示输入一次密码。

¥If not set, and a registry response fails with a challenge for a one-time password, npm will prompt on the command line for one.


  • 默认值:


  • 类型:字符串(可以设置多次)

    ¥Type: String (can be set multiple times)


¥Enable running a command in the context of the configured workspaces of the current project while filtering by running only the workspaces defined by this configuration option.

workspace 配置的有效值为:

¥Valid values for the workspace config are either:

  • 工作区名称

    ¥Workspace names

  • 工作区目录的路径

    ¥Path to a workspace directory

  • 父工作区目录的路径(将导致选择该文件夹中的所有工作区)

    ¥Path to a parent workspace directory (will result in selecting all workspaces within that folder)

npm init 命令设置时,可以将其设置为尚不存在的工作区的文件夹,以创建文件夹并将其设置为项目中的全新工作区。

¥When set for the npm init command, this may be set to the folder of a workspace which does not yet exist, to create the folder and set it up as a brand new workspace within the project.


¥This value is not exported to the environment for child processes.


  • 默认值:null

    ¥Default: null

  • 类型:空值或布尔值

    ¥Type: null or Boolean

设置为 true 可在所有已配置工作区的上下文中运行该命令。

¥Set to true to run the command in the context of all configured workspaces.

显式将此设置为 false 将导致像 install 这样的命令完全忽略工作区。未明确设置时:

¥Explicitly setting this to false will cause commands like install to ignore workspaces altogether. When not set explicitly:

  • node_modules 树上运行的命令(安装、更新等)会将工作区链接到 node_modules 文件夹。* 执行其他操作(测试、执行、发布等)的命令将在根项目上运行,除非在 workspace 配置中指定了一个或多个工作区。

    ¥Commands that operate on the node_modules tree (install, update, etc.) will link workspaces into the node_modules folder. - Commands that do other things (test, exec, publish, etc.) will operate on the root project, unless one or more workspaces are specified in the workspace config.


¥This value is not exported to the environment for child processes.


  • 默认值:false

    ¥Default: false

  • 类型:布尔值

    ¥Type: Boolean


¥Include the workspace root when workspaces are enabled for a command.

当为 false 时,通过 workspace 配置指定单个工作区,或通过 workspaces 标志指定所有工作区,将导致 npm 仅在指定的工作区上运行,而不是在根项目上运行。

¥When false, specifying individual workspaces via the workspace config, or all workspaces via the workspaces flag, will cause npm to operate only on the specified workspaces, and not on the root project.


¥This value is not exported to the environment for child processes.


  • 默认值:false

    ¥Default: false

  • 类型:布尔值

    ¥Type: Boolean

从受支持的云 CI/CD 系统发布时,包将公开链接到它的构建和发布位置。

¥When publishing from a supported cloud CI/CD system, the package will be publicly linked to where it was built and published from.


¥This config can not be used with: provenance-file


  • 默认值:null

    ¥Default: null

  • 类型:路径

    ¥Type: Path


¥When publishing, the provenance bundle at the given path will be used.


¥This config can not be used with: provenance


¥See Also

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