




npm start [-- <args>]



这将运行在包的 "scripts" 对象的 "start" 属性中指定的预定义命令。

¥This runs a predefined command specified in the "start" property of a package's "scripts" object.

如果 "scripts" 对象没有定义 "start" 属性,npm 将运行 node server.js

¥If the "scripts" object does not define a "start" property, npm will run node server.js.

请注意,这与使用 node . 调用时运行包的 "main" 属性中指定的文件的默认 node 行为不同

¥Note that this is different from the default node behavior of running the file specified in a package's "main" attribute when evoking with node .

npm@2.0.0 开始,你可以在执行脚本时使用自定义参数。有关详细信息,请参阅 npm run-script

¥As of npm@2.0.0, you can use custom arguments when executing scripts. Refer to npm run-script for more details.



"scripts": {
"start": "node foo.js"
npm start
> npm@x.x.x start
> node foo.js
(foo.js output would be here)




  • 默认值:false

    ¥Default: false

  • 类型:布尔值

    ¥Type: Boolean

如果为 true,npm 不会运行 package.json 文件中指定的脚本。

¥If true, npm does not run scripts specified in package.json files.

请注意,如果设置了 ignore-scripts,则明确旨在运行特定脚本的命令(例如 npm startnpm stopnpm restartnpm testnpm run-script)仍将运行其预期的脚本,但它们不会运行任何前置或后置脚本。

¥Note that commands explicitly intended to run a particular script, such as npm start, npm stop, npm restart, npm test, and npm run-script will still run their intended script if ignore-scripts is set, but they will not run any pre- or post-scripts.


  • 默认值:'/bin/sh' 在 POSIX 系统上,'cmd.exe' 在 Windows 上

    ¥Default: '/bin/sh' on POSIX systems, 'cmd.exe' on Windows

  • 类型:空值或字符串

    ¥Type: null or String

用于脚本的 shell 与 npm execnpm runnpm init <package-spec> 命令一起运行。

¥The shell to use for scripts run with the npm exec, npm run and npm init <package-spec> commands.


¥See Also

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